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Milestones and important agreements between Zanzibar Revolutionary Government and HSP Software Technology

Milestones and important agreements between Zanzibar Revolutionary Government and HSP Software Technology

Milestones and important agreements between Zanzibar Revolutionary Government and HSP Software Technology

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The implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Zanzibar Electronic Government Agency (eGAZ) and HSP Software Technologies (based in Istanbul, Turkey) marks an important milestone towards 100% digital government transformation in Zanzibar. The President of Zanzibar, H.E. Dr. Hussein Ali Mwini, has consciously prioritized the transformation of the digital economy as a key pillar of his election campaign manifesto. He recently launched a digital government strategy that will apply over the next five years. HSP, a software technology company founded by Halid Peynirci, will continue to drive and invest in all types of digital transformation and financing with the Zanzibar state. As a result, we are positioning Zanzibar as a pan-African sandbox that enables trade and innovation across the continent.

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As we roll out the digitization journey, we expect to attain 100% Digital transformation by June ,202 – which is why the Zanzibar eGovernment Agency is seeking strategic partnerships to implement the Digital Economy Roadmap. The execution of our partnership framework with HSP Software and Technologies brings global experience and expertise to our table. We are seeking to leverage their global experience more so in the e-health sector, manufacturing of solar-powered automobiles, and largely innovative financing options for Critical infrastructure projects in Zanzibar. We are pleased to have HSP Software and Technologies express their interest in working with us to realize the Digital Special Economic Zone infrastructure that will enormously impact the African continent and position Zanzibar as the destination of choice for Tourism and Investment. Lastly, we believe that through the partnership with HSP Software and Technology, we shall be able to tap into Turkish private sector opportunities more so the emulation of their TechnoPark models that shall go a long way into powering our start-ups.


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Thank you very much, and God bless you.”Said Seif Said, Managing Director Zanzibar eGovernment Agency (eGAZ) On his part, the Head of Government Business Solutions with eGAZ, Mr. Jevis OMONDI OKOTH who Witnessed the MoU execution said ” Partnership with HSP Software Technology gives


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Africa a glimpse of the future by enabling trust infrastructure and differentiated Solutions key to a disruptive path defining the new normal for African trade and innovation” On his part, Mr. Mehmet Sinan Yilmaz had this to say: Signing of the MoU between the Revolutionary government of Zanzibar and HSP Software and Technologies is a major milestone in our efforts and à clear demonstration of trust and mutual understanding between the two governments of Republic of Turkey and Revolutionary government of Zanzibar which is a semi-autonomous government within the United Republic of Tanzania. As a member of the Zanzibar Digital Economy Transformation Advisory Council, and as the incharge of Research, innovation and Industry with the Zanzibar eGovernment Agency (eGAZ), I want to take this opportunity to écho my president’s H.E Recep Erdogan’s call to the Turkish community to join us in taking this bold step in fostering strategic partnerships with Africa – The real opportunity exists in Africa, and Zanzibar gives government and private sector players the very unique opportunity as the global economy adjusts to the new dynamics post covid-19. Going forward I shall Lead the efforts in replicating the TechnoPark model as a Turkish export in Africa. This partnership will immediately see investment in Smart Nation infrastructure that shall represent 388 TechnoParks designed as Innovation hubs to support start-up development in Zanzibar, and Africa at large. This partnership will see us open a the Zanzibar Digital Economy Transformation Centre right here at the Istanbul finance centre making Africa just a doorstep away. I call upon private business associations , cooperatives and government agencies alike to be part of history by joining HSP Software and Technologies as well as eGovernment Agency to explore multiple trade and innovation opportunités in Africa. Thank you very much, and God bless you.” Finally, the Founder and CEO of HSP Software Teknology has the following to say: This is the speech of MD, HSP Software and Technologies Mr. Halid Peynirci “Honourable members, The press, Ladies and Gentlemen, The execution of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between my company, HSP Software Technology and the Revolutionary government of Zanzibar through the eGovernment Agency (eGAZ) marks a major milestone in the history of Istanbul Finance Centre (IFC) and in the history of Innovation and trade in Africa. We are honoured by the deliberate efforts of the Zanzibar president H.E Hussein Ali Mwinyi to solicit strategic partnerships in Turkey and elsewhere in the world towards realisation of the Socio-Economic Transformation agenda to the Zanzibar citizens and Africa at large.


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This MoU will enable HSP Software Technology to establish the International Digital Commodities Exchange of Africa (iDCEA) in the Istanbul finance centre, a project that will be anchored in Zanzibar. We shall equally host the Zanzibar Digital Economy Development Centre, the ZanMalipo House and their maiden Tourism project to the world – Elective Abroad. As the Zanzibar government prepares for a 100% digital government transformation,



HSP Software Technologies will be at the forefront leading technology and investment efforts. We will soon open our doors to other stakeholders, including those from finance, health, defense and food security, who would like to join us in this remarkable milestone. As an HSP software technology company, we are proud to partner with e-government agencies.



From there, we will be part of the journey to make Zanzibar a sandbox for the continent, unlocking innovation and trade and unlocking private investment.


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Beyond digitalization is the Zanzibar Digital Special Economic Zone (DSEZ), whose spin-off programs include his E-Residency programme, the Digital Nomads programme, and the International African Digital Commodities Exchange (iDCEA). We want to provide a digital infrastructure that our customers can rely on. You can set up and run a business in Africa within a day. Thank you and God bless you. ”


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